Record Customer Participation at 13th Annual Asset Managers Conference (AMC)

“Future Proofing Power Plant Assets in a Changing Environment: Global Multi-Platform Technology Solutions for Gas Turbine Retrofit and Maintenance”.  This was the focus of our AMC on 27-30 January at the Wyndham Grand in Jupiter, Florida.  Eighty-five customers and partners from forty-five companies were present - a record - and were met with a new improved program and presentation lineup.  What was exciting is that the renewed program was based on their input, with smaller, interactive roundtable discussions to share information allowing us to hear about the challenges our customers are facing in their individual markets. 

The event kicked off with acustomer-driven section, with a detailed market overview of North America,followed by a Customer Panel Session, where experiences and challenges wereshared along with a deep-dive Q&A with the audience interaction applicationSlido

Following an overview of our 2019delivery achievements for our customers, including our approach to developingservice solutions and project execution, a full day of smaller breakoutsessions focused on topics from additive manufacturing, turbine upgradesolutions and digital solutions to our rotor exchange program, combustionsolutions and a safety/EHS topic regarding HexChrome.  This approach proved to an excellent way toshare experiences and enhance the awareness of the participants on how we areleveraging advanced technology to deliver meaningful products and services tothe market that will enhance their operational profitability.

A targeted selection of our Multi-OEMofferings were on display in the main conference area of the hotel, which onlyenhanced the confidence of the attendees that we deliver on our promises.  At the PSM workshop, a staged shop tour wasconducted, with stops allowing our team to offer detailed descriptions of allof the capabilities we have at our facility to execute on our customer’sservice and maintenance needs.

On the final day, our PSM technicalteam offered a half-day “Gas Turbine 101” training session to a group threetimes larger than last year!  This wasdriven by many who said they were transitioning from their companies ‘hardfossil’ (coal) plants to gas turbine plants and really wanted to learn.Innovation.....relationships...transparency.....service solutions........partnerships....and our people.  For over 20 years, this has been ‘the secretsauce’ that has defined PSM in the marketplace and continues to provide ourgrowth and innovation momentum.

Questions? Contact PSM

Gas Turbine upgrades to date




Hydrogen combustion target